Plastic surgery after massive weight loss: what's to consider?
Obese people who undergo medical treatment or bariatric surgery for weight loss, has certain special conditions, either obesity or its antecedent by its large and rapid weight loss. First, obesity or excessive weight in general generates illness or injury in the circulation of various organs such as the heart, brain and other, which implies an increase in the chances of complications such as heart attacks or strokes. They may have other alterations in organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs, great vessels, etc. Secondly severe and rapid weight loss produces alterations in metabolism and nutrition, loss of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins, among others, that lead to a weakened immune status and limited healing capacity and therefore to an increased risk of postoperative complications.
Regarding body changes of obese people we could say that there are countless but within frequently found alterations of the circulation, ie, decreased blood flow to different organs and tissues such as the heart, kidneys and brain . On the other hand there are conditions of poor venous circulation in the limbs that create a kind of "stagnation" of blood on them. Organs such as the lungs also suffer a loss of ability to exchange oxygen between air and blood, which limits tissue oxygenation. Finally, it was shown that obesity itself produces immune and metabolic changes tending to increase after massive weight loss.
With respect to alterations of the body and its operation generated by the massive and rapid weight loss, it is necessary to mention the great mainly nutritional alterations. This situation is comparable to a person who has an acute lack of food and malnutrition, leading to a weakening of their immune system. In other words, weight loss creates a kind of malnutrition and this in turn causes a weakening of the body's defense systems to the organisms and a limited healing capacity. That is, people who lose large amounts of weight are more susceptible to infections and have difficulty in healing any surgeries.
For all the above, obese patients and especially those who lose a lot of weight, have a number of limitations that make it necessary to take steps to surgeries. First, before doing plastic surgery, make sure that you have achieved a nutritional and metabolic stability, ie, wait a further reasonable time in bariatric surgery to allow the body has stabilized in the best way possible. Also remember that these patients should be nutritionally being monitored and require continuous supply of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other in order to minimize as much as seanposible these alterations. Second, to the possible presence of complications such as heart attacks and strokes should improve traffic conditions. Regarding pulmonary abnormalities improved lung function by breathing treatments required prior to surgery. Exercise becomes a very effective tool to improve all these alterations described.
During the surgeries the medical group and surgical staff, taking measures to reduce complications. It is necessary to avoid excessive physical trauma during procedures and use technology to improve the circulation of the extremities especially lower limbs. Also avoid excessive bleeding and generally try to make sure that the conditions for the procedures are the most stable possible, with special emphasis on the very sterile handling, ie, preventing the microorganisms in the operated areas.
As for post-operative care, are vital and can list the most important: early mobilization of patients to improve circulation, the use of devices to optimize the movement of the legs, the administration of drugs that decrease the formation of potentially dangerous blood clots, the breathing ejercitamiento using different techniques, providing adequate antibiotics and analgesics to reduce the possibility of infection. Furthermore, with regard to these surgeries should be kept properly maintained and covered to prevent the entry of germs.
To conclude, we can say that while a person who has been obese and lost weight massively presents a number of limitations and alterations of the body and its functioning that create greater chance of complications to do plastic surgery, these procedures can be performed to improve conditions of different organs, taking special care during surgery and implementing a number of essential post-operative care. Although the rate of complications was higher continuous despite the care, the success rate is high and very satisfying for patients.
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