Sunday, November 23, 2014

The easiest way to lose weight and reduce fat

The easiest way to lose weight and reduce fat

Many people are not able to follow a diet and systematic, not to lose weight you need to know. Many continue to try all the new ideas that are diet on the market with the hope that one of them will work for them. But the miracle does not happen again. 

E 'was estimated that 95 percent of diets fail and the reason for that the human body is designed to survive in difficult conditions and minutes detects the lack of food being his' protection mode and keep every piece of fat can.
One of the biggest mistakes in the diet is cutting calories too low. You should never starve because this will never work. The World Health Organization states that a starvation diet of 1800 calories per day for women and 2200 for men. 

Yet people worldwide are trying to diet so fewer calories than that. We know this now even diet programs are still pumped out of the way of calorie levels below these values.
You will never win against systems of work that the human body has been in place since antiquity. 

The only hope in the battle against obesity is not working with your body against her, and if you treat them well, which will give your fat reserves.
The first thing to do is to address why it became overweight, which is probably because your metabolism (your body's engine) has slowed.
If you do not keep muscles toned and strong system with proper exercise metabolic rate is not working as efficiently as it should be that lets you accumulate body fat.
So I go to the gym and start a program of strength training to tone the soft weak muscles to get your engine accelerated again so that you are burning more fuel (calories) every minute of the day and night, even when asleep . This is what is coming is thin and again muscle tissue. Do not worry that you can become great if you are overweight now is bigger than it should be.
Muscle tissue is your friend is not the enemy, because it is what will solve the problem of excess weight. Big fat flabby treat spills on your clothes as the enemy that muscle burns fat little under all that fat.
The next thing we have to do is support the exercise program with proper nutrition. This means the abandonment of the processed material and replacing grain quality natural foods. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours during the day are like you need to eat to lose body fat. Each of these meals should contain at least 20 grams of protein quality and balance consisting of vegetables.
These two strategies always work - that is why physical fitness competitors and models eat and exercise in this way. You should be able to put some effort into your training program so you need to feed on the food. It seems like a simple solution, and it is simply put in place and continue.
It is certainly much easier to do than watch their weight continue to increase until you have a serious health problem. Nip, but now you have the option to choose a day when the choice has been removed. Soon it will be a habit that will be more difficult than we are doing now - and it really does not work for you there? read more link at the bottom.
diet tips
The easiest way to lose weight and reduce fat.

Click here.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Types of Obesity

Types of Obesity 

Obesity is a disease caused by the accumulation of fat in the body, resulting in extremely overweight individuals. This may result in the suffering of others rigged diseases such as hypertension, diabetes or even cause heart problems. Obesity can be classified under various criteria, some of them are: 

According to adipose tissue morphology: 

Hyperplastic: the obese children often suffer it. It is caused by an increase in the size and number of fat cells. Childhood obesity is usually kept in adulthood, it is estimated that 70% of obese children remain at advanced ages. 

Hypertrophic disease occurs when there is an increase in the volume of adipocytes and adults tend to suffer it. 

Mixed: this obesity is caused by an association of obesity with hypertrophic hyperplastic, hence its name. 

According to the cause of the disease: 

Exogenous: the causes of this disease are related to the individual's routine, mainly to food has. This obesity is the most common, it is estimated that between 90 and 95% of people suffer from this type of obesity. 

Endogenous: this obesity is the result of suffering from other diseases, such as insulinomia, Cushing's disease or hypothyroidism, among others. It is less common, between 1 and 5% of those with obesity suffer from endogenous causes. 

According to the mobility of the disease: 

Dynamic: this is a recent condition and is characterized by a very easy movement of the fat and also by a decrease in the weight of the individual response of the adipose tissue-restricted diets. 

Static: this obesity, however, is in a more advanced stage. It is characterized by the presence of a basic energy requirement as well as a low threshold. In this condition the movement of the fat in adipose tissue becomes difficult with making diets. 

According to the distribution of fat: 

Android, abdominal or central: this excess fat is mainly concentrated in the chest, face and abdomen. Sufferers have risks of diseases such as diabetes, dyslipidemia or cardiovascular problems. 

Peripheral or gynoid: this, however, the excess fat is located primarily in the hips and thighs. Peripheral obesity often causes varicose and genoartrosis. 

Homogeneous: This excess fat is not located in a specific area of the body.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles

Exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles 

Our body is composed of muscles, you strain can be defined and strengthened in order to not only improve their performance but also our appearance, as it allows you to look more sterile and healthy figure. A good option to do is exercise. 

According to a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, ursolic acid, a substance present in the skin of apples, reduces muscle breakdown and promotes muscle growth. 

Sculpt a perfect body 

There are exercises that can help you to define your muscles. Here we offer three.Try it! 

1 Push-up or push-up. The American Council on Exercise encontroó that 66.4% of the total body weight is lifted in full flexion arms. So if your weight, for example 65 kilos, this means you're going to lift 43 kilos, which is probably more than you normally would on a bench press. Furthermore, it will also work the muscles in the core stabilizers push-up position. 

2 Squat. A study by the American Council on Exercise found that there is increased muscle activity in the gluteus maximus - the main muscle - during squats, but only when it is 90 degrees or less. This is because the deeper position, more muscle fibers are developed. 

3 inverted bicycle. According to the University of San Diego State University the bicycle maneuver in which a person extends each leg alternately and rotates the opposite shoulder to the knee while the leg returns to the original position, that is of the best exercises to strengthen the muscles abdomen. 

Exercise not only helps you to strengthen your muscles but also allows you to maintain better health.Do not forget, add it to your life!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The reasons for increased obesity

The reasons for increased obesity

The reasons for the increase in obesity is partly genetic, although the atmosphere 'obesigénico' in which we live, where the food with concentrated calories are abundant, along with sedentary lifestyle, explains the increase in overweight being given in recent years.
Currently, a person ingests a large amount of 
calories only it takes. Reduce their consumption 
beverages prepared is the first step to lose weight. 
It is common on a diet to focus attention on solid foods. very 
Few pay attention to what they drink, and fluids also affect eating 
healthy. In that aspect makes particular emphasis Barry Popkin, author of The World 

is fat, published earlier this year. According to him, among the biggest culprits 
weight gain in the American population are energy drinks, 
vitamin waters, juices and non-diet sodas. However, the 
problem is not exclusive to the rich countries. "Mexico doubled their calorie consumption 
beverages from between 1999 and 2006 and became one of the largest 
consumers in the world, "the expert told Semana." Countries of Central and 
South America consume many sugary drinks, including coffee, and that is 
probably one of the reasons for the increase in obesity there, "he added. 
Popkin notes that millions of years ago, everything-and hominids 
homo sapiens then the water was consumed after two or three years 
fed breast milk. "We developed a metabolism in which you lasbebidas we took did not affect the food ingeríamos" he explains. Then 
appeared 10,000 years BC, the first alcoholic beverages, such as
wine and beer, and in the last 150 to 200 years soft drinks emerged 
like soda, pasteurized milk, fruit juices that are sold today 
boxes, all of which created new habits. "But in the last 60 years had a 
zero calorie drink fluids to a fifth of our caloric intake 
comes from the beverages we drink, "he emphasizes. 
The problem with these new drinks is that they do not reduce food intake, 
but are added to the food. That is not filled, but fattening. in 
For alcoholic beverages, these provide seven calories per gram and then 
become fat consumed. Added to this is that these extra calories are 
more difficult to spend with the little exercise that people do today.
Why nutritionists recommend consuming water preferably. according to 
Claudia Angarita, director of the Colombian Center for Integrative Nutrition (Cecni), the 
Water is the natural element needed by the body for many of its 
processes, including the transport of nutrients throughout the body. "It is also 
essential to carry toxic elements to the liver and kidneys to 
be discharged, "he explains. Their recommendation is to consume two liters a day. 
Avoid alcoholic beverages made from sugar and, as a rule, 
consumed in moderation. Although red is permitted and aromatic, it 
ideal is not adding sugar to. Angarita not recommended juices, but insists 
take fruits in their natural form. The reason is that people make juice 
using more units to fill a glass. "This means they are taking more 
calories, and much more if you added sugar. "
As Popkin says, the issue is simple. "If you drink water, you do not earn more 
weight. If drinks with high sugar content, yes. "Therefore, if you want 
be at the right weight, one way to do is to control every drop you drink.

The reasons for increased obesity

The reasons for increased obesity

The reasons for the increase in obesity is partly genetic, although the atmosphere 'obesigénico' in which we live, where the food with concentrated calories are abundant, along with sedentary lifestyle, explains the increase in overweight being given in recent years.

Currently, a person ingests a large amount of 
calories only it takes. Reduce their consumption 
beverages prepared is the first step to lose weight. 
It is common on a diet to focus attention on solid foods. very 
Few pay attention to what they drink, and fluids also affect eating 
healthy. In that aspect makes particular emphasis Barry Popkin, author of The World . read more link at the bottom.
The reasons for increased obesity

Click here.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The best diet plan to lose 10 kilos

The best diet plan to lose 10 kilos 

The best diet plans for weight loss includes only the most nutritious foods. Lose 10 kilos, or about 22 pounds-can be achieved in about two months with a strict diet and eating habits. According to the American Council on Exercise, expects to lose about 5-1 kilo -1 to 2-pounds per week with a good eating plan. If you exercise during your diet, weight loss may occur faster. Most diet plans are not specific about the amount of weight you want to lose, so that the guides remain similar whether if you want to lose 10 kilos or 40 kilos. The key is to stay consistent until you lose the weight you want

Register your progress

One of the most important aspects of a good diet plan is to set appropriate and realistic goals. Start with a fixed amount of weight -10 kilos is an excellent start. You can also begin to set goals to help you achieve your weight loss goals. An example would be eating a healthy breakfast every morning for 1 week. You can progress on these goals targets slowly add to your diet plan is maximizing your weight loss progress. This type of goal setting can help you if you find it difficult to make a complete change of diet overnight. Try keeping a journal to record all the progress you make each week and includes weight loss, changes in fat and foods consumed.


Your diet plan should be carefully planned to reduce the amount of time you spend organizing and preparing meals from scratch. The plan will include all meals during the day to eat and what types of food you eat. You should also write when you plan to eat your meals based on your work schedule or other obligations. You should eat four to six meals daily. According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, make smaller meals can help keep your metabolism higher. Eating smaller meals can often also help prevent overeating at any time. Each meal should contain a protein source and a source of complex carbohydrates.

The main food choices

The best diets include foods rich in protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. The protein sources are to include chicken, turkey, vegetables, eggs and fish. Protein shakes are a good substitute for other sources of protein. Complex carbohydrates should come from fruits, vegetables, oatmeal and whole grains. Sources to include healthy fats can come from nuts, nut butter, olive oil, avocados and fish oil. These and similar types of foods are nutrient dense, which means they contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals as they are high in calories as well as vitamins. For your diet avoids any foods that are highly processed or high in sodium. Do not add extra sugar or salt to your food.

Number of calories

The actual number of calories that you should include in your diet will depend on various factors, including your height, age, weight, activity level and current body fat composition. Start using reliable guides and adjusts the levels based on your situation. According to, you should eat 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories as protein; 20-35 as healthy fats, and 45-65 of complex carbohydrates. For example, if you're on a diet of 2,000 calories you could eat 1,000 calories from carbohydrates, 400 fat and 600 protein. Always consult your physician or a licensed dietitian to discuss your current calorie needs.

Friday, September 26, 2014

The 10 most effective diets to lose weight in a few days

The 10 most effective diets to lose weight in a few days 

The team selected 10 Wellness proven effective diets to choose the one you like or agree with this eating habits. Do not get excuses. Start now to lower kilos which increased vacation and feel better every day. 

You enjoyed your holiday in full and not deprived of anything, and that included meals. Ice cream, pizza, snacks, long drinks and other delicacies savored front of a beautiful landscape and good company, had the effect of relax, pleasure and give us ... give us some extra calories that were unusual! 

Upon returning, all the joy disappears when we look in the mirror. Is that when four or five kilos fatter suddenly, we tear our clothes do not come to us, it costs us stoop to tie our shoelaces and basically felt "ugly" or "bad." But before starting a diet to lose weight you have to look carefully to find one that best suits our habits, our way of life and, above all, our "weaknesses". It will always be easier to follow if you include among their food, those are our preference. 

Good Health team selected 10 diets that were proven effective in reducing kilos quickly. Some are famous and others are just beginning to spread widely. The election took into account the different food styles of most people. 

Check them all and select the one you think is best suited to their feeding habits. 


Once you choose the diet and before starting, you need to check with your trusted doctor is made. Never should start a diet without knowing what state the body is. We assume that you are healthy because if you have a disease, you should not follow any diet that is not prescribed by your specialist. 

If there are no contraindications, invite professional header to control it during the course of it. Together you can check the success to lose weight and, most importantly, you've got to tell someone ideal solution if you feel any discomfort arising from the change in eating habits. 

Finally, we suggest that people unaccustomed to forgo heavy meals are not tempted with austere regimes like the liquid diet. Depending on your personality, may be more effective doing a diet will lose weight slowly to a shock diet, which may make subsequent anxiety and, consequently, the dreaded "yo-yo". 


- Recommended for: those who want, in addition to weight loss, restore energy. 

- Contraindicated for: those who are not very fond of vegetables or fish. 

- Running time: should make it one week per month. 

The Chinese diet is based on maintaining a balance between yin and yang. This combined five types of food that correspond to the five elements. The five groups are: sweet (earth); bitter (fire); sour (wood); spicy (metal) and salty (water). 

Example diet 

- DAY 1 


- 1 cup of coffee or tea (without milk or sugar). 

- Whole wheat bread, roasted with butter (not margarine), 1-3 slices. 

- Or 3 Dried fruits. 

- Semi-acid or a bowl of fruit (apple, pear, plum, etc.). 

- Or 1-2 ripe bananas. 

- Or 1 cup of fruit salad station. 


- 1 glass of fresh carrot juice or a salad of raw vegetables with olive oil and lemon or 1 cup of semi acidic fruits. 

- 150 g of roasted or boiled fish, or skinless chicken or lean meat. 

- A handful of walnuts or almonds. 

- Tea or coffee without sugar. 


- 150 g of fresh fish, steamed with ginger sauce or 150g of tofu (soybean curd) or fresh lightly sauteed shrimp with garlic and ginger. 

- Fresh to (lightly fried) Chinese style vegetables. 

- A salad of raw vegetables, if desired. 

- A glass of mineral water or tea (no sugar). 

Principles of diet 

• Combine with the main meals warm, fresh and hot food. 

• Cook vegetables steamed. 

• Apply the Yin-Yang concept (fire hot water and when it boils, take fresh vegetables). 

• Use oil or margarine instead of butter or animal fat. 


- Recommended for: those who want to lose weight quickly. 

- Contraindicated for: those who can not stop having "something solid" in the stomach. 

- Running time: one week. Usually repeated once a year. 

It is an ideal way to remove toxins and cleanse the body diet. Is not recommended to those suffering from illness or are under medical treatment. 

Sample week diet 

- Day 1 

- At 8 pm, 10 am. 14 hours., 16 hours., 18 hs. and 22 hours. drink a glass of fruit juice or smoothie, no sugar added. 

- At 12 and 20 hours to take a plate of vegetable broth. 

- Drink plenty of water or tea during the day. 

- Day 2 

- Add julienned vegetables to the soup. 

- Add a natural yogurt. 

- Day 3 

- Add a main meal a plate of vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil and salt. Change juices from 14 to 22 hours. by a fresh fruit every time. 

- Day 4 

- Adding another meal in a dish of stewed vegetables with oil. 

- Change juices 16 and 18 infusions. 

- Day 5 

- Add one egg at a main meal. 

- Day 6 

- Add in the other a girl serving food boiled fish. 

- Day 7 

- In one of the two meals changing fish or egg whole grains. 

Principles of diet 

• Choose natural foods. 

• Choose to diet a week when he is calm. 

• Get enough sleep. 

• Choose seasonal fruits. 

• Suspend the diet if symptoms that indicate that such a diet "does not like him." 

• Be sure to drink water but drink juice and tea. 


- Recommended for: those who are fans of vegetables. 

- Contraindicated for: those suffering from dyspepsia or other digestive problems. 

- Running time: 2 weeks. 
This diet was designed by Dr. Maurice Diamonne, a French nutritionist who baptized Diet Green, due to the large amount of vegetables that compose it. Its elements are aimed at decreasing the amount of fat the body while detoxifying the body from highly processed foods. 

Example diet day 


Choose from the following variants: 

• Orange juice and 1 slice of bread with cream cheese or jam diet.

• Grapefruit juice and apple. • Fruit smoothie station. 


- Choose one of these variants: • 1 seasonal fruit • 1 cup fruit salad • 1 cup skim milk with corn flakes. 


- Choose one of these variants: • Vegetable broth, 1 cup of salad vegetables and steak guy. 1 fruit. • Carrot salad, tomato, lettuce and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Fruit salad. 

• Vegetable soup, a quarter of skinless chicken with tomato and lettuce. Gelatin diet. • Vegetable broth, rice with peas and a large fruit. • A small steak salad with beets. Gelatin. 


- Choose one of these variants: • Tea or coffee with skim milk and 2 rice crackers spread with cream cheese. Gelatin. • unsweetened fruit smoothie. • Tea or coffee with 2 rice crackers spread with jam or cheese diet. • Infusion with 3 bran cookies. 


- Choose one of these variants: • Orange juice, 1 slice of bread with cottage cheese. • Infusion with or without skimmed milk, 2 rice crackers spread with cream cheese. • • Infusion 1 yogurt bran crackers with 3 sweet diet. 


- Choose one of these variants: • Vegetable soup and 1 fillet of grilled fish with tomatoes and lettuce. 1 fruit. • Omelet chard or spinach, 1 bowl of salad. Applesauce. • Vegetable broth. Pumpkin puree with 1/4 chicken. A portion of jam. • 1 small steak with a bowl of red cabbage salad with mayonnaise (1 tsp.) • 1 serving of grilled fish with green salad. Fruit salad. • A tomato stuffed with corn and cottage cheese. A serving of fruit gelatin diet.