Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles

Exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles 

Our body is composed of muscles, you strain can be defined and strengthened in order to not only improve their performance but also our appearance, as it allows you to look more sterile and healthy figure. A good option to do is exercise. 

According to a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, ursolic acid, a substance present in the skin of apples, reduces muscle breakdown and promotes muscle growth. 

Sculpt a perfect body 

There are exercises that can help you to define your muscles. Here we offer three.Try it! 

1 Push-up or push-up. The American Council on Exercise encontroó that 66.4% of the total body weight is lifted in full flexion arms. So if your weight, for example 65 kilos, this means you're going to lift 43 kilos, which is probably more than you normally would on a bench press. Furthermore, it will also work the muscles in the core stabilizers push-up position. 

2 Squat. A study by the American Council on Exercise found that there is increased muscle activity in the gluteus maximus - the main muscle - during squats, but only when it is 90 degrees or less. This is because the deeper position, more muscle fibers are developed. 

3 inverted bicycle. According to the University of San Diego State University the bicycle maneuver in which a person extends each leg alternately and rotates the opposite shoulder to the knee while the leg returns to the original position, that is of the best exercises to strengthen the muscles abdomen. 

Exercise not only helps you to strengthen your muscles but also allows you to maintain better health.Do not forget, add it to your life!


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